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California B2 Foundation Practice Quiz Overview

Are you ready to test your foundation expertise? This focused quiz helps you master the structural concepts essential for your California B2 Residential Remodeling exam success.

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Time Limit
30 minutes
15 randomly selected
Question Bank
40 unique questions

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Format: Open-book, but the actual exam is closed.

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Drainage tiles or perforated pipe must be covered with a min. of ___________ of washed gravel or crushed rock.

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Wood sill plates in wood foundation walls must be at least ___________ nominal lumber.

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The wall height of plain masonry foundation walls used in buildings assigned a Seismic Design Category DO, D1 or D2 must not exceed__________ .

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True or False: Wood foundation walls must not be backfilled until the basement floor and first floor have been constructed or the walls have been braced.

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What is the maximum height of backfill permitted against a wood foundation wall if the wood foundation is not designed and installed according with AWC PWF?

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True or False: Drains must be provided around concrete or masonry foundations that retain earth and enclose habitable or usable spaces located below grade.

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The wall height of concrete foundation walls used in buildings assigned a Seismic Design Category DO, D1 or D2 must not exceed__________ .

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Soil described as a “clayey gravels” have a Unified Soil Classification System Symbol of GC and are in Soil Group__________ .

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For wood foundations, a__________ polyethylene vapor retarder must be applied over the porous layer with the basement floor constructed over the polyethylene.

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What is the stud size of studs used in wood foundation walls?

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What is the minimum nominal size of wood columns used for foundations?

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Walls that support less than__________ of unbalanced backfill do not require bracing.

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Where there is evidence that the groundwater table can rise to within__________ of the finished floor at the building perimeter, the grade in the under-floor space must be as high as the outside finished grade.

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Drainage tiles or perforated pipe must be placed on a min. of ___________ of washed gravel or crushed rock.

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Where masonry veneer is used, concrete and masonry foundation walls must extend above the finished grade adjacent to the foundation at all points a min. of__________ .

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