Florida General Contractors Contract Administration Free Practice Exam

(Florida) Practice Exam needed for your GC license in Florida

Ready to tackle the Florida General Contractor Contract Administration exam with confidence? Start with our proven FREE practice test – the same preparation tool that’s helped contractors ace their licensing exams across multiple states including Illinois, Colorado, Florida, and Montana.

Our timed practice exam mirrors the real test experience while helping you master the material. Drawing from our carefully curated question bank, you’ll encounter the same types of scenarios and challenges you’ll face on exam day. And because no two practice tests are exactly alike, you’ll build both knowledge and adaptability – crucial skills for passing the actual exam.

Think of this as your risk-free opportunity to:

  • Experience the actual exam format
  • Practice managing your time under test conditions
  • Build confidence with contract administration concepts
  • Identify areas where you need more focus
  • Learn to navigate reference materials efficiently

Contractors who have used our practice exams consistently tell us that the realistic format and challenging questions gave them the edge they needed to pass their licensing exam on the first try.

Why trust your exam preparation to chance when you can start practicing with proven materials right now? Take our FREE practice test today and put yourself on the path to becoming a licensed Florida General Contractor.

Begin your journey to licensing success – try our free practice exam now!

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Florida General Contractor Contract Administration Free Exam

Ready to test your Florida General Contractor Contract Administration knowledge right now? Take our FREE 10-question practice exam and build your confidence!

Perfect for quick study sessions, our dynamic practice test draws from a pool of 40 carefully crafted questions, ensuring a unique experience every time. You'll have 30 minutes to complete the exam, matching the same pace you'll need for the actual test. Best of all? You can take it up to 25 times at absolutely no cost.

Want an even more comprehensive experience? Our full-length practice exam mirrors the real thing with 60 questions drawn from our extensive database of over 190 questions. You'll get the full 3-hour time limit, just like the actual exam.

Whether you're just starting your study journey or fine-tuning your knowledge before the big day, our free practice exam is the perfect way to:

  • Test your understanding of key concepts
  • Practice managing your time effectively
  • Get comfortable with the exam format
  • Identify areas that need more focus
  • Build confidence in your knowledge

Why wait? Start your free practice test now and take the first step toward mastering the Florida GC Contract Administration exam!

The number of attempts remaining is 25

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_______ is a change in the purpose or level of an activity within a building that involves a change in the application of the requirements of the Florida Building Code, Existing Buildings.

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A SEER of 10 means ________.

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The subcontractor shall report to the contractor within ____________ days an injury to an employee or agent of the subcontractor which occurred at the site.

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Micropiles are reinforced with steel or steel casing. What is the largest size micropile available?

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What is the MINIMUM height of a protective barrier or fence enclosing a residential swimming pool?

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Pedestrians shall be protected during construction and demolition activities. If the height of the building is 8 feet or less and the distance of the construction to the lot line is more than 5 feet, what type of barrier is required?

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Your company was involved with a dispute with an owner over a contract to construct a 14,000 sq. ft. warehouse valued at $1,437,000. The original contract was signed February 4, 1999, and was brought to substantial completion on November 15, 1999. The dispute centers on a change order which was approved by owner and architect on October 21, 1999, but which the owner has refused to pay. Assuming the facts as stated and no additional information is provided, should your company prevail, it should be entitled to:

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Where van parking is provided pursuant to section 502.2 for every_________ or fraction of parking spaces required by 208.2 to comply with 502, at least one shall be a van parking space complying with 502.

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Air supported and air inflated structures larger than 1,500 square feet shall have an auxiliary inflation system that is powered by a standby power system. What is the MINIMUM amount of time the standby power system must operate independently?

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When ropes are used to define control access areas the rope shall have a minimum breaking strength of:

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The average score is 35%


Florida General Contractors Contract Administration

Last Updated: November 26, 2024
5.0 out of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

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The Key to Passing Your Florida GC Contract Administration Exam

Are you preparing for the Florida General Contractors Contract Administration Exam? If you’ve ever wondered how to master this critical test, you’re not alone. The process can feel overwhelming, especially with the open-book format that requires not just memorization but also efficient navigation of reference materials. The stakes are high—you want to ace the exam, not just scrape by. But what if there were a way to practice for free and boost your confidence?

Here’s the solution: our Florida General Contractor Exam Free Practice test. This resource gives you access to free Florida GC practice questions designed to mimic the real thing. With over 40 rotating questions and 10-question exams you can retake up to 25 times, every test feels fresh and challenging.

So, let’s dive in and explore everything you need to know to conquer the Florida General Contractors Contract Administration exam!

Understanding the Florida GC Contract Administration Exam

The contract administration portion of the Florida General Contractor’s exam is a comprehensive three-hour examination consisting of 60 equally weighted questions. While there are many paid resources available, we believe in providing free practice questions for Florida GC candidates to ensure everyone has access to quality preparation materials.

Why This Exam Matters

The Florida General Contractors Contract Administration Exam is not just a formality—it’s a test of your ability to manage contracts, oversee project documentation, and handle critical administrative responsibilities in the construction industry. Passing this portion of the licensing process opens doors to broader opportunities, from overseeing large-scale projects to advancing your career as a professional contractor.

This exam evaluates your knowledge in:

  • Contract negotiation
  • Project scheduling
  • Project documentation

The format? Sixty questions, three hours, and a strict time limit of three minutes per question. This means efficiency is the name of the game.

The Open-Book Advantage (and Challenge)

Yes, the exam is open book. But don’t let that fool you—it’s no walk in the park. The real test lies in knowing where to find the answers within the reference materials. This is why taking a free practice test for the Florida GC exam is crucial.


Reference Materials You’ll Use:

  1. AIA A201 – 2017 – Free exam
  2. AIA A401 – 2017 – Free exam
  3. AIA A701 – 2018 – Free exam
  4. OSHA 29 CFR 1926 Construction Industry Regulations, 2023 – Free exam
  5. 2023 Florida Building Code – Residential
  6. 2023 Florida Building Code – Existing Building
  7. 2023 Florida Building Code – Energy Conservation
  8. 2023 Florida Building Code – Accessibility
  9. 2023 Florida Building Code – Building
  10. Energy Efficient Building Construction in Florida, 2024
  11. BCSI Guide to Good Practice for Handling, Installing, and Bracing of Metal Plate Connected Wood Trusses, 2018 – Updated 2020
  12. Florida Contractors Manual 2021
  13. Principles and Practices of Commercial Construction, 11th Edition, 2024

Pro Tips for Success:

  • Highlight key sections: Use different colors to mark essential topics like contract clauses and OSHA regulations.
  • Don’t write in your books: Sticky tabs and highlighters are your best friends.
  • Get a construction calculator: This tool saves time and helps with critical calculations during the test.

What Makes This Exam Different?

Unlike traditional tests, this open-book exam evaluates your ability to:

  • Apply knowledge to real-world construction scenarios
  • Navigate reference materials efficiently
  • Manage time effectively while handling complex questions
  • Understand and interpret various construction contracts and documents

Our Florida general contractor exam free practice resources are designed to mirror these exact requirements.

The Importance of Practice

The best way to prepare? Take as many practice tests as possible. Our free Florida contract administration practice test is an excellent starting point. By simulating real exam conditions, you’ll gain confidence navigating reference materials and answering questions under time pressure.

What Our Practice Exam Offers:

  • 10 questions per test: Mimicking the format and difficulty level of the actual exam.
  • 30-minute time limit: Sharpen your ability to work efficiently.
  • Up to 25 attempts: With new questions each time, no two tests are alike.

Each test includes free practice questions for the Florida GC exam, covering topics such as project scheduling, contract negotiation, and safety regulations.

Exam-Day Strategies

When exam day arrives, keep these strategies in mind:

  1. Skim through all questions first. Identify the ones you know and answer them immediately.
  2. Bookmark challenging questions. Don’t waste time—move on and come back later.
  3. Leverage the open-book format. Quickly locate answers by using your well-organized reference materials.
  4. Stay calm and manage your time. Remember, three minutes per question is your guide.

Go to www.FloridaExam.com and follow the instructions. Once you have registered, you will receive an email in 7-10 days to contact PearsonVue.com  to schedule your exam.

Beyond the Exam: Becoming a Florida General Contractor

Passing the Contract Administration portion is just one step toward obtaining your Florida General Contractor’s license. Here’s what else you’ll need:

  • Age: Must be at least 18 years old.
  • Credit score: A minimum of 660 or completion of a 14-hour financial responsibility course.
  • Background check: Includes fingerprinting.
  • Exams: Business & Finance and Project Management exams.
  • Insurance: Property, liability, and workers’ compensation if you have employees.
  • Experience: At least four years of fieldwork.

As a licensed contractor, you’ll handle projects ranging from small residential renovations to complex commercial constructions.

Your Path to Success

Preparing for the Florida General Contractors Contract Administration Exam doesn’t have to be stressful. With resources like our Florida General Contractor Exam Free Practice, you can enter the exam room feeling prepared and confident.

Ready to get started?

Start your preparation journey with our comprehensive free practice test for Florida GC exam. With 25 free attempts and new questions in each session, you’ll be well-prepared for the actual exam.

Access our free Florida GC practice questions today and take the first step toward your contractor’s license. Remember, proper preparation with quality practice materials is key to passing the exam on your first attempt.

Don’t wait to begin your preparation. Start practicing now with our free resources and join the ranks of successful Florida General Contractors!

Florida General Contractor Contract Administration Exam

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